Frankfurt - Pedestrians at the Hauptwache in Frankfurt and the Z.O.B in Berlin were given quite a scare a few days ago. In typical "crime-scene" style, remarkable realistic corpse legs were sticking out of the public lockers!
In collaboration with its client Psychothriller GmbH, an audio book company specialising in thrillers and suspense, Saatchi & Saatchi deposited the legs of supposed victims in public lockers. The astonished reactions of unsuspecting pedestrians were captured and documented with four hidden cameras.
Attached to the "victim's" big toe, there was a pathology-like note with the name of the company behind this activity as well as a QR code. To make up for the shock, the passers-by could download a free episode of the new audio book series "Terminal 3" by scanning the code.
The entire locker shocker project can be viewed on the website, where there is a four-minute video showing the preparation and the best scenes.
As a creative team, Gisela Schmitz (Text) and André Sendel (Art) came up with and professionally implemented this project - under the enthusiastic guidance of ECD Jörg Riommi. The spectacle was produced by agency producer Iris Teubert and the Frankfurt film production company Gehrisch und Krack.
Ivar Leon Menger, owner and managing director of Psychothriller GmbH, is already looking forward to future hair-raising projects with the agency.
Pictured (l to r): André Sendel, Gisela Schmitz and Jorg Riommi