New Nike Campaign From F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi

Sao Paulo - To stimulate the practice of running amongst the youth, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi has created a campaign for Nike entitled #coisadaboa (#goodstuff). The language of the campaign explores the addiction that running causes within its practitioners and the clear advantage that it has over other addictions: it is the only one that is good for your body. With a film in the form of a manifesto, several graphic pieces, special Internet actions and vehicles that speak directly to this public, the campaign contemplates several platforms, developed in two moments.

In the first stage, a teaser introduced the hashtag #coisadaboa, together with a telephone number. Stickers were put up in the restrooms of the main bars and nightclubs in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and newspaper block ads "announced" the arrival of the new "good stuff". Interventions in programs on MTV and on radio stations of the same segment also promoted the hashtag and the telephone number.

Those who called heard a message informing that something new was around. Those who were impacted through blogs or Twitter heard a message, when redirected to the Nike Corre fanpage on Facebook:

The second part of the campaign was the revelation itself; that #coisadaboa is a communication that stimulates the practice of running and that explores the world of addiction as a subversive resource for talking to the youth.

Comprising the film "Addiction", which aired on the Internet, TV channels Multishow and MTV, and in the main movie theaters in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the campaign also included inserts in youth magazines, done in street wheatpaste poster format. These inserts will also be put up in bars and nightclubs. Additionally, the campaign also includes the app "#coisadaboa Phone", and a geolocation action on Foursquare that will announce the locations in which Nike will offer free training for those who wish to take up running.

You can view the film at:


Creative Directors: Fabio Fernandes / Eduardo Lima
Head Of Art: Joao Linneu
Art Director: Rodrigo Castellari
Copywriters: Eduardo Lima/Pedro Prado
Typography: Mario Níveo
Agency Producers: Adriano Costa / Marcio Leitão
Account: Marcello Penna / Saulo Sanches / Gisela Assumpção / Mayra Pellegrini / Caroline Poppi
Media: Lica Bueno / Sandro Cachiello / Bruno Storace
Planners: José Porto / Utymo Oliveira / Marcus Nascimento
Project Manager: Melanie Zmetek
Production Company: Delibistrot
Director: Jones+Tino
Cinematographer: Andre Faccioli
Post Production: Casablanca
Editors: Ricardo Jones /Marcio Leitão
Sound: Satelite
Advertiser's Supervisor: Tiago Pinto / Guilherme Glezer

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