Conill USA Takes T-Mobile to the 'Beautiful Game'

Los Angeles - Family and football are two of the focal points of Latino families, and the ritual of the Sunday soccer game is the inspiration for a new campaign conceived by Conill for T-Mobile. For the past four years, soccer has served T-Mobile as a passion point for building affinity among Latinos. To this audience, football (soccer) is more than a game; it is a matter of cultural pride.

The witty "Your Wife Saw" campaign - an entertaining media integration and placement on a live Fox Sports broadcast - is designed to appeal to the popular weekend family activity of Latin Americans.  By understanding that although soccer fans often watch the big game with their family, they don't necessarily view the match from the same perspective,  the campaign presents regular replays during live games as family portraits;  ‘Asi Lo Vio Tu Mujer' (‘What your wife saw') shows the star striker stripping down to his vest after scoring a goal;  ‘Asi Lo Vio Tu Hijo' (‘What your son saw') depicts the players as characters from a computer game; ‘Asi Lo Vio Tu Abuelo' (‘What your Grandpa saw') blurs the visuals into the sepia-tones of a vintage TV set; and in ‘Asi Lo Vio Tu Hija' ( ‘What your daughter saw'), a rag doll obstructs the view of the screen.

"We joined the message of T-Mobile being close to soccer with the idea of T-Mobile and soccer bringing families together, said Conill Chief Creative Officer Buffagni." The seamless integration with broadcast content helps transform the inherent ‘intrusion' of advertising into something fun."

The objective was to leverage T-Mobile's broadcast integrations more effectively and creatively among soccer fans than other wireless providers. Conill achieved this very successfully during the World Cup, and now as a follow-up during the broadcast of the Mexican league through Fox Sports.  The strap line "Fûtbol y familia, siempre juntos" (Soccer and families, always together) sums up the objective of the campaign perfectly.

Creative credits, "Your Wife Saw" 

SVP, Chief Creative Officer:  Pablo Buffagni
VP, Creative Director:  Mario Granatur
Creative Director:  Marcos Calandrelli
AD: Hernán Ibañez
CW: Benjamin Levy
Media Director: Rob Spallone
Director of Production Services: Lourdes Caballero
Sr Producer: Allan Rivera

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