'Days of Hope'

This campaign was launched to raise the profile of increasing homelessness in major cities across Europe. It focused on the impact the cold January weather had on the many homeless people. Real people living on the streets were invited to a TV studio to present the weather in place of the regular weather-readers. When presenting the weather, the homeless people allowed the audience to take a closer look at their daily lives, and requested donations to their local homeless charity. Saatchi & Saatchi network offices across Europe collaborated to make this happen across many countries. The office in each participating country partnered with a charity that helps those living on the streets and persuaded a TV station to take part in the campaign. 

SFR – Campagne Réseaux


On n’imagine pas le travail accompli sur le terrain par SFR pour déployer ses réseaux. Un travail quotidien et invisible qui touche pourtant l’ensemble du territoire français.