bathstore 'Silent Loo App' (Mobile)

bathstore launches ‘Silent Loo’ app – for real, this time

On April 1 2016, bathstore and Saatchi & Saatchi London announced the launch of their ‘Silent Loo’ app – designed to mimic the sound of water and drown out those embarrassing bathroom noises.

Though it was actually an April Fool’s hoax, demand for the free mobile app on social media was so high that on the June 5th, it launched for real, to celebrate World Environment Day.

With billions of litres of water being wasted annually, the app addresses the plight of water wastage in the UK. Research collected into water consumption reveals that on average 75% of water used in bathrooms is wasted.

bathstore’s app aims to raise awareness of this issue and eradicate the need to use the shower or the tap to mask embarrassing bathroom noises. Helping to save water, money and reduce energy use and carbon emissions, the revolutionary app reproduces different sounds of water running at varying sound levels.

The app forms part of bathstore's continuing quest to create the perfect bathroom experience for its customers. The settings on the app range from Tap and Shower, right up to Costa Rican River and the Tsunami setting - for use in emergency situations only.

Production of the 'Silent Loo' app is a testament to bathstore's unique relationship with their customer base.